Friday, October 22, 2010

List items accomplished: 0...nice, Kassie.

The only thing I'm any closer to attaining on my little mess of a list is the church part. I attended Mass at a Catholic church in Abbeville this past Sunday called St. Mary Magdalen. I admit I went there first because I had been before and it was in my comfort zone. While I felt like it opened my eyes a little bit, I'm not sure if it's a complete fit for me. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I need to stand on my own when it comes to my faith and my spirituality. Maybe read some more books and get more information. I don't want to settle on this church because it's comfortable. That would fall into the category of "How I react to everything in my entire life and always have." I stick with the comfortable. As in, I settle. I haven't given up though, I'll fit in somewhere and figure out my faith as I'm figuring out myself. And with both things, It'll take time.

I have increased my book collection, by 4 since the last time I've posted, which is alot for a couple of days. This should hold me over till my order comes in.

I have a sneaking suspicion that in the company I will be in tonight, I will laugh until I cry quite a few times. That one won't be crossed off though, because I'd much prefer to do that as much as possible.

On that note, I can say that things are getting better. I am staying busy and I'll go entire parts of my day without thinking about him, or thinking badly about myself. It's nice. It's needed. I am actually quite proud of how I'm handling the overwhelming feelings I'd been having for as long as I'd been having them. Frankly, that was getting pretty old.

As far as the blind date thing, my friends have made it clear that any blind dates they could set up would be much more enjoyable if I were, in fact, blind. Thanks, guys. I hadn't asked their help anyway, but for some reason when a girl is newly single, that means she must rush into a relationship with any other non-suspecting male. Not my style.

I promise my next post will be more interesting. I'm going to tackle my first list-item head on. I have decided training for a 5k will be it. Couch to 5k book has been wiped free of dust and tomorrow it will begin. After a coffee date in the morning, and possibly a few other errands, the treadmill and I will be as one. We'll be spending alot of time together, which should be mighty interesting considering what a bitch I think she is. Till next time..

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